Friday, November 22, 2013


Hello! I spent 3 months working at the Walt Disney World Polynesian resort in the Disney College Program, I unfortunately had to end my program early due to health problems, but I am going to use this blog to rate, review and just chat about all the things I experienced in my time at Disney. I'll talk about my favorite rides, some of my work experiences, and of course about the food!
If you have any questions about the Disney college program, or working at Disney I will answer every question I can!
My home base was doing Custodial at Disney's Polynesian resort, but I was also trained for housekeeping and I was a Biometrics Greeter. A biometrics greeter was like being a receptionist for the cast member health screenings Disney has, it allowed me to work at most of the parks and a ton of the resorts on property.
I loved all of my roles and the people I worked with, they were really some of the best people I could have ever imagined working with! I miss them dearly and keep in contact with them still.

I plan on blogging about my past experiences here until I can return again!